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Student Ambassador Program

Harrison’s Bird Foods is proud to announce that a program for educating veterinary students about their organic non-GMO bird food is being developed for 2024. Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine is the pilot school to incorporate the newly revised program, which focuses on avian nutrition. 

Dr. Kaitlyn Nikirk

Dr. Kaitlyn Nikirk

Director of the Student Ambassador Program

Kaitlyn has served in a leadership capacity on multiple non-profit boards and has offered outreach advice to numerous veterinary associations and small businesses over the past decade. She loves helping people share their vision, passions, and skills with the world around them. Having a special interest in avian exotic medicine, she is excited to partner with Harrison’s Bird Foods to invest in the next generation of avian veterinarians through the development of a college outreach program. She hopes it will open up new opportunities for veterinary students to learn about birds, and create better access to care in the future for people’s beloved pets. 

Jesus Hernandez

Jesus Hernandez

Senior Ambassador -DVM Student

Jesus Hernandez is a second-year DVM student at Purdue University who is spear-heading the program at that school until his graduation in 2026. Originally from Colombia, his main interests in veterinary medicine are exotic animal care (avian inclined) and soft tissue surgery. He is actively involved in veterinary school leadership positions, including President of the Shelter Medicine Club, Fundraising Chair for SVECCS, President of the International Veterinary Student Association Purdue Chapter, and Chair of the Wild and Exotic Animals Network IVSA Global.

According to Jesus, “I’m enthusiastic about representing the standards of Harrison’s Bird Foods, sharing critical knowledge on bird nutrition and teaching fellow DVM candidates about the benefits that Harrison’s has to offer. My goal is to make meaningful contributions to the veterinary field and uphold its high standards.”

Lauren Pengiel

Lauren Pengiel

Junior Ambassador - DVM Student

Lauren Pengiel is a second year veterinary student at Purdue University. Her career aspiration is to be a small animal and exotic companion animal general practitioner. She is very passionate about the exotic animal field and welcomes every opportunity that allows her to learn more about these species. Currently, she is the Symposium Coordinator for Purdue’s Exotics Club, scheduling and planning the annual Exotics Symposium.


According to Lauren, “I cannot wait to represent Harrison’s Bird Foods and help educate my fellow DVM students on the importance of avian nutrition and management.”