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Storing Harrison’s Bird Foods


For an optimal, nutritious food experience for your bird, let us lead you through these simple guidelines to get the most out of Harrison’s Bird Food products.

First, it’s crucial to keep Harrison’s food in its original bag. The specially designed foil-lined Harrison’s bag acts as a barrier, effectively preserving the freshness of its contents. Avoid transferring the food to plastic bags or containers, as oxygen, the primary culprit behind spoilage, can permeate through plastic. Foil, on the other hand, acts as a shield against oxygen while also blocking out harmful light that can degrade the essential nutrients.

To maintain the quality of Harrison’s, it’s essential to store it away from warm, hot, or humid areas or direct sunlight for prolonged periods. These factors can negatively impact the freshness and nutritional value of the unique qualities of Harrison’s Bird Foods.

Once you have fed your feathered friend, squeeze out all excess air from the bag and securely seal it with the zip-lock closure at the top. Removing the excess air is crucial because oxygen and moisture can hasten deterioration, leading to staleness.

In case the zip-lock closure gets damaged, simply squeeze out the air and fold over the top of the bag several times-use a clip to secure the fold. This method will effectively prevent air from entering the tightly rolled-down bag, providing an alternative way to keep the contents fresh.

It’s recommended to consume the food within eight weeks of opening the bag, regardless of the printed date on the packaging. To help you keep track, jot down the date of opening directly on the bag itself. This way, you won’t forget and can ensure timely consumption.

Before feeding your bird, take a moment to smell the product for freshness. Check the printed date on the bag as well. Harrison’s food should have a pleasant “farm fresh” aroma, reminiscent of fresh grains. If you notice any off-putting smells or if the food is past its expiration date, it’s best to discard it and obtain a fresh supply of Harrison’s Bird Foods.

For an added level of freshness preservation, refrigeration or freezing can be beneficial. These methods delay the breakdown process of the ingredients, maintaining the quality of the food. However, remember that all of the previous guidelines should still be followed, even if you choose to refrigerate or freeze the food.

When purchasing Harrison’s foods, make sure to acquire them solely in their original packaging. There have been instances where the food was repackaged for resale, which is against Harrison’s reseller policy. This compromises freshness and dating accuracy and is against certified organic regulations. It is important to note where you buy your Harrison’s products from. There are many reselling channels for Harrison’s products, so for the best results always purchase Harrison’s Bird Foods products from your avian veterinarian or from Harrison’s Bird Foods directly. Unfortunately, Harrison’s will not honor any credit or replacement claims if you purchase your foods from an unauthorized reseller.

Lastly, in a world where bugs have insatiable appetites, Harrison’s Bird Foods holds a special allure. These crafty critters go to great lengths to devour the mouthwatering organic ingredients, even chewing or boring through bags to reach their feast. To outsmart these persistent pests, keep your bird goodie bags separate from other seeds and store them in the freezer or airtight containers (in the original bag).

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your bird receives the freshest and most nutritious food from Harrison’s. Your bird’s well-being and health are our top priorities. Happy feeding!